Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry
We welcome you and your children to our church. The goal of FUMC Lexington Children’s Ministry is to provide a safe, comfortable and nurturing environment for your child to learn more of who God is and of his covenant of love to us. We hope to provide care for children while teaching them timeless biblical truths vital to life. We understand by so ministering to them, we minister to families as well.
First Methodist Kids Facebook Group (This is a private group for parents and Children’s Ministry. You can request to join.)
We are a Safe Sanctuaries Church – As a Christian community of faith committed to ministry to and with children, youth, and vulnerable adults, we pledge to strive to conduct all of our activities and ministries in such a way that assure their safety and spiritual growth.
Our Goals
Seeking God– Through lessons, fellowship, and fun we seek God as a community of believers
Knowing Christ– We strive to learn and understand Christ and how His love shapes our lives.
Sharing His Love– We share the love of Christ with our actions, how we treat each other, and ourselves.